I shared Mr. Lumsden’s post last week and it stayed in my brain, nudging around my grey matter until I wrote a few lines on it.
One of my staff has a “tag line” on their email signature. It’s a quote from Geroge Eliot. You probably know it. “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.”
Mr. Lumsden’s post is another excellent reminder of that same sentiment.
The only thing truly stopping any of us is ourselves.
We have a million self-imposed rules that stop us from breaking out, in business and in life. Even if we’ve done the work to understand where they come from and why, they still unconsciously shape every decision we make.
So, it is important now and then to assess why we are making the decisions we are, if those decisions are serving us, and how to make a different choice if we need to.
If reading that made you uncomfortable – if that voice in your head reared up and insisted that you’ve already decided and that means you’ve cut off all other choices – then you definitely need to re-assess.
Because no one gets from point A to point B in a straight line and course corrections are the only way you won’t end up off the map.
One of the easiest ways to tackle this assessment is to follow a simple formula. I developed this one for entrepreneurs. And as you’ll see when you review it, it encompasses your whole lifestyle, not just your business.
Because we are people in business, not merely businesspeople, and we neglect the rest of our lives at our peril.
So, who do you want to be when you “grow up” in business? Who did you want to be before you entered your career? What did you want to do, to change, to impact?
It’s never too late.
If you could use a nudge in the right direction, you can schedule a complimentary strategy session with me. Get on my calendar here: https://www.markmcrae.com/work-with-me/