When I was younger, I would get frustrated and angry when people I was dealing with wouldn’t do what I wanted them to do, or companies I worked with seemed incapable of delivering what they promised.
The problem with that is, when you put emotion into a situation, you take a position on that issue, and that can be dangerous.
An entrepreneur I was working with was promised a delivery of material on a specific date. When the material never arrived, he got so mad that he told the supplier that if he didn’t get his material in the next 24 hours, he was finished with them. He wouldn’t do business with him again.
The problem was that the material was extremely hard to source. The young entrepreneur was faced with either swallowing his pride and trying to negotiate with the supplier or delay the deliveries of his products to his clients while he looked for another supplier.
A better approach is to try and depersonalize the situation and make decisions based on reason and logic.
There will be times when people need a push, but the more you can look at the problem from a 50,000-foot view or as an outside consultant trying to solve the problem, the better off you will be.
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