If you’ve ever had a medical problem and you’ve been talked to by the doctor, that’s an excellent example of what I mean.
Let’s say you’ve been reading about your medical condition. Well, we all know that rule #1 is to stay off “Dr. Google,” right? And we also know that having one good conversation with a doctor who’s an expert in their field can be worth more than a hundred different books you could read claiming to deal with the subject.
If you’ve been in a difficult situation, talking to someone who’s gone through that situation or a similar one can be worth more than 10 hours research on the internet.
Because we as human beings were designed to learn from stories. From the days we all sat around the fire and we told stories about how the hunt went or whatever happened during the day… That’s how we’re designed to take in information.
It’s like with children. When you read children a story they’re fixated on it. You know they love the idea of the story, but most of the time they’re not actually reading it themselves. They are listening to you read/tell them the story.
Now sure, reading is one of the most powerful business tools we have. But if you are trying to grow your business, there’s so many nuances in building a business that it can be very hard to find exactly what you’re looking for. Even if you look you read a hundred books, or attend a hundred webinars, or you go to a hundred different conferences, you always go away with that that itch not quite scratched.
Which is why we keep buying stuff like books, conference tickets, and seats in zoom sessions. But if you have one meaningful conversation with the right person it can make a huge difference to how your business progresses because it’s a give and take, you can ask questions and they can tailor their answers to meet your specific needs.
If you need to help building revenue, scaling your business, or would like to talk to me about potential partnership in your venture, subscribe to my YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, and schedule your own complimentary strategy session with me at https://www.markmcrae.com/work-with-me/